extern struct diagnostic* bp_start_request

(struct BP_CONNECTION* conn,
  long channel_number,
  long message_number,
  struct profile* po,
  char* server_name,
  start_request_callback app_sr_callback,
  void* client_data)

Initiates a request to start a channel.


Initiates a request to start a channel.

If the request can't be processed, a diagnostic structure is returned explaining the reason (which should subsequently be destroyed by calling bp_diagnostic_destroy).

Otherwise, later on the callback is invoked indicating whether the channel was started or not. If so, the profile's pro_start_confirmation callback is invoked. bp_diagnostic_destroy.

conn - A pointer to the connection structure.
channel_number - The channel number to request or BLU_CHAN0_CHANO_DEFAULT.
message_number - The message number to use on the request or BLU_CHAN0_MSGNO_DEFAULT.
po - A linked list of profile structures.
server_name - The value to use for the serverName attribute of the <start> element, or NULL.
app_start_request_callback - A callback to be initiated when the outcome is known.
client_data - A user-supplied pointer.
On failure, a pointer to a diagnostic structure explaining the reason (which should subsequently be destroyed by calling bp_diagnostic_destroy).

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