SASL_LOCAL_PREFIX - The prefix used for identity properties associated with the local peer
SASL_LOCAL_USERNAME - The SASL authentication-identity
SASL_LOCAL_TARGET - The SASL authorization-identity
SASL_LOCAL_REALM - The authentication realm
SASL_LOCAL_PASSPHRASE - The passphrase for the authentication-identity
SASL_LOCAL_MECHANISM - The mechanism used during the peer's attempt to authenticate.
SASL_LOCAL_CODE - The reply code resulting from a peer's attempt to authenticate.
SASL_LOCAL_REASON - A textual message corresponding to the SASL_LOCAL_CODE.
SASL_REMOTE_PREFIX - The prefix used for identity properties associated with the remote peer
SASL_REMOTE_MECHANISM - The mechanism used during the peer's attempt to authenticate
SASL_REMOTE_USERNAME - The SASL authentication-identity of the peer.
SASL_REMOTE_TARGET - The SASL authorization-identity of the peer.
SASL_REMOTE_CODE - The numeric result of the peer's attempt to authenticate.
SASL_REMOTE_REASON - A textual message corresponding to the SASL_REMOTE_CODE.
PRIVACY_PREFIX - The prefix used for privacy properties associated with the session
PRIVACY_CIPHER_NAME - The name of the cipher in use.
PRIVACY_CIPHER_SBITS - The number of bits in the session key in use.
PRIVACY_CIPHER_PROTOCOL - The name of the privacy protocol in use.
PRIVACY_CIPHER_ABITS - The number of bits in the algorithm in use.
PRIVACY_REMOTE_SUBJECTNAME - The subject name from the peer's certificate.
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