SASL_ANONYMOUS_URI - URI to use for the SASL ANONYMOUS profile, defaults to "http://ianaorg/beep/SASL/ANONYMOUS"
SASL_ANONYMOUS_IMODES - Initiator modes for the SASL ANONYMOUS profile, defaults to "plaintext,encrypted"
SASL_ANONYMOUS_LMODES - Listener modes for the SASL ANONYMOUS profile, defaults to "plaintext,encrypted"
SASL_OTP_URI - URI to use for the SASL OTP profile, defaults to "http://ianaorg/beep/SASL/OTP"
SASL_OTP_IMODES - Initiator modes for the SASL OTP profile, defaults to "plaintext,encrypted"
SASL_OTP_LMODES - Listener modes for the SASL OTP profile, defaults to "plaintext,encrypted"
SASL_OTP_DIRECTORY - The directory where the OTP database is kept, defaults to "/tmp"
SASL_FAMILY_DEBUG - Enables debug mode for the SASL family of profiles, defaults to "0"
sasl_profiles_Init - Well-known entry point for the SASL ANONYMOUS and OTP profiles.
sasl_login - Tune using SASL, and update the connection's configuration structure accordingly.
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