NULL_ECHO_URI - URI to use for the NULL ECHO profile, defaults to "http://xmlresourceorg/profiles/NULL/ECHO"
NULL_ECHO_IMODES - Initiator modes for the NULL ECHO profile, defaults to "plaintext,encrypted"
NULL_ECHO_LMODES - Listener modes for the NULL ECHO profile, defaults to "plaintext,encrypted"
NULL_ECHO_DEBUG - Enables debug mode for the NULL ECHO profile, defaults to "0"
NULL_SINK_URI - URI to use for the NULL SINK profile, defaults to "http://xmlresourceorg/profiles/NULL/SINK"
NULL_SINK_IMODES - Initiator modes for the NULL SINK profile, defaults to "plaintext,encrypted"
NULL_SINK_LMODES - Listener modes for the NULL SINK profile, defaults to "plaintext,encrypted"
NULL_SINK_DEBUG - Enables debug mode for the NULL SINK profile, defaults to "0"
null_echo_Init - Well-known entry point for the NULL/ECHO profile.
null_sink_Init - Well-known entry point for the NULL/SINK profile.
null_start - Starts an echo or sink channel.
null_trip - Initiates a round-trip transaction.
null_close - Closes an echo or sink channel.
NULL_OK - no problema
NULL_ERROR - error performing task
NULL_BUSY - still doing null_trip
NULL_DONE - channel is closed
NULL_DENIED - remote peer refused to close
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