(*start_request_callback) - Prototype for the callback to the application called when a start request has completed, regardless of its success.
bp_start_request - Initiates a request to start a channel.
bpc_start_response - Invoked by the pro_start_indication callback to indicate the disposition of a request to start a channel.
(*close_request_callback) - Prototype for the callback to the application called when a close request has completed, regardless of its success.
bpc_close_request - Initiates a request to close a channel.
bpc_close_response - Invoked by the pro_close_indication callback to indicate the disposition of a request to close a channel.
bpc_set_channel_window - Sets the receive window size for a channel.
bpc_wait_state_quiescent - Waits for a channel to become quiescent.
bpc_tuning_reset_request - Invokes the pro_tuning_reset_indication callback for all channels.
bpc_tuning_reset_complete - Indicates that a tuning reset has either completed or aborted, and invokes the pro_tuning_reset_confirmation callback for all channels.
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